
Monday, September 7, 2015

Psst, high schoolers: Skip your first day back and watch John Oliver instead


Yes, John Oliver is technically on hiatus until Sept. 13 — but even so, he can't shirk his responsibility as television's No. 1 BS detective. And in a new web exclusive, he sets his sights on what could be our great nation's biggest BS factory of all: the American high school system.

In this four-minute clip, Oliver breezes through a bevy of common high school subjects to reveal everything students really need to know about them — without bothering with all the pesky textbook-reading and participatory discussion and test-taking they'd encounter in a typical classroom. Math boils down to addition and subtraction. English boils down to remembering who dies at the end of every major novel. American History boils down to "Warren G. Harding called his penis Jerry." World History boils down to "Africa and Asia are places that exist." Read more...

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