
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Can you still make a living as a mommy blogger?


The success story of was once blogger lore, told and re-told in playgroups and Meetups — anywhere hyper-verbal people with Wordpress accounts gathered. "It happened for that Dooce lady," they would say. "It could happen for your blog, too."

Dooce began in the late 1990s, when a young lapsed Mormon named Heather Armstrong taught herself HTML code and moved to Los Angeles. She got a job in web design and began blogging about her life on her personal site,

The site's name evolved out of her friends' AOL Instant-Messenger slang for dude, or its more incredulous cousin, "doooood!" About a year later, Armstrong was fired for writing about her co-workers on the site — an experience that, for a good portion of the 'oughts, came known as "getting dooced." She eloped with her now ex-husband, Jon, moved to Salt Lake City, and eventually started blogging full time again. Read more...

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